Our Infertility Journey

Saint Paul, Minnesota (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Our Infertility Journey

by Connor Bonfe

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Saint Paul, Minnesota (US)

Connor Bonfe is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story


My name is Connor and my wife’s name is Emily. We are campaigning because we have been struggling with infertility for 4 years.

It started right when we got married back in 2018.  At that point we had already been together for 5 years and knew we wanted to have kids young. After months of trying, we asked why was nothing happening. My wife never took birth control pills and we were both very healthy people. We didn’t smoke and we didn’t do any drugs.

My wife struggled with severe depression and severe anxiety because she started noticing she wasn’t getting pregnant.  After two years of trying, we started seeing a fertility specialist. She has done exams, blood work, ultrasounds and everything looked normal except that she had a small thyroid issue.  She went on medication and is now back to normal. I went to do a semen analysis and my count was normal. Nothing was changing for us as this is when the doctors put us as infertility and the cause was unknown.

We tried eating healthy, limiting alcohol, exercising more but nothing seemed to work. My wife had finally got her depression and anxiety under control and was no longer on medication. So we decided to start some fertility treatments. In 2021 we did two medical round of doing the shot in the stomach and then timing the intercourse while she ovulates. Two rounds of that failed. Then, we decided to do two rounds of IUI, which is taking certain medications to help grow her eggs and ovulate and then inject my sample in her during the right timing. Those both failed. We are both sad and let down once again. Knowing my my two sister in laws just got pregnant the same time and on the first try made it hard and more emotional for us. The pain and the sadness I see on my wife hurts me deeply and it is hard knowing we can’t have the same thing other families have, at least right now. So, finally we have decided to try IVF. The cost of it is very expensive and pricey. We plan to do it in October at a cheaper clinic in Colorado. We don’t have a lot saved because of all the money we spent on the exams and treatments already. We have tried saving but it’s very small. Any help and any donations is greatly appreciated and truly a blessing. We hope no one goes through this, but we know we are and that we will one day know the fight will come to an end.